Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fearing the Worst? Be Not Afraid

Photo by Vladimir Arndt/Shutterstock

by T. Taylor-Williams

Psalm 91:4-7: He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall. (5) You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. (6) Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction (sudden death) that lays waste at noon. (7) A thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but danger will not come near you. 

One October when I taught college English, I gave what I thought was a “light” assignment. Since many enjoy Halloween, I asked them to write about a phobia or fear.
The students expressed true torment about topics ranging from bugs to being in the dark to death itself.
I realized there’s nothing fun or “light” about fear.
Fear can bring about a physical response, including slowing down, tunnel vision, or feeling like what is happening is not real. According to Psychology Today, the brain can shut down as the body prepares for action. The ability to think and reason decreases. “Thinking about the next best move in a crisis can be a hard thing to do.”
Right now, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety levels are soaring.
Many people are experiencing fears they haven’t known before:
Fear of contracting the potentially deadly virus.
Fear of lack of food or supplies.
Fear of losing their jobs.
Fear for their loved ones.
Fear of the now, and fear of what lies ahead in the future.
The Lord knew we would face plenty of things that would intimidate us in this life, so there are many scriptures about fear. One of the most beloved is 2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.
In 1973, Bob Dufford, S.J., wrote the popular hymn, “Be Not Afraid” when he was exactly that: afraid. According to America magazine, he was preparing for ordination and was unsure of his future in ministry. He was inspired to write this song based on the scripture where the Lord’s angel assured Mary about her new baby Jesus, the coming Savior. “Be not afraid,” he said. (Luke 1:30)
Again, I believe that we will have many times in life where we will face fear.
The Lord knew this, because the specific phrase “Be not afraid” is in the Bible many times.
He’s telling us this for a reason.
I can see Him saying, “I know it’s scary, overwhelming, but I’m here. Put your trust in Me.”
Trust and faith are a critical duo during this time of massive transition, uncertainty and anxiety.
But worry is the twin of fear, and God’s Word tells us that worry won’t do us a bit of good.
And who of you by worrying can add one hour to the length of his life? Matthew 6:27
Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
When you feel fear creeping in, and anxiety trying to take over, try to remember this empowering scripture: In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid… Psalm 56:11

“Be not afraid, I go before you always. Come, follow Me…and I will give you rest.” Bob Dufford, S.J.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Whose Report Will You Believe?

Photo by RawPixel/Shutterstock

 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

The news is a force.
I know all too well the power that the media has. As a former newspaper journalist, I’ve seen firsthand how it can do amazing good with positive human interest stories. But it also has the power to decimate a person’s life or a company’s reputation.
Currently, we have 24/7 access to the latest COVID-19 developments. When we listen or watch the news today, we get constant updates about outbreaks, the number of folks who test positive, the limited food and medical supplies, and death tolls.
Last week, after watching the tv news, reading updates online and listening to blips on the radio, I found myself getting anxious, uptight, irritable and emotional.
So on the weekend, I limited my news viewing to the bare minimum, relying only on what friends and family relayed to me via texts.
And I had peace.
In the message, “Listening to God,” Charles Stanley said that all during the day, we should be in tune with the Lord. But we’re so busy in tune with everything else that we miss what He’s saying to us.
Not saying you can't watch, but try to minimize the time you watch the news. The nature of it is to perpetuate fear. It simply doesn't seem healthy to live in a perpetually heightened state of fear, panic, anxiety and dread. 
Who or what is in your ear?
The Word of the Lord cautions us to guard our hearts. Proverbs 4:23
It also warns us about the thoughts we think. Philippians 4:8
And points to what we should focus on. Philippians 3:14
And it’s all for our good…for our peace of mind…and for His glory.

“Oh be careful little eyes what you see…oh be careful little ears what you hear…for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little eyes, what you see.” Wee Sing Bible Songs 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lean on Jesus

Photo by Meric Tuna on Unsplash

By T. Taylor Williams

My sister is enjoying her “Corona-cation.”
She’s ecstatic for the opportunities to babysit her sweet new cuddly grandson.
Like many elementary school teachers, her day was typically hectic from sunup to sundown: Planning, teaching, organizing, staying late to plan for the next day. Not to mention teaching and practicing yoga.
Therefore, being able to watch him was a luxury only for weekends.
I laugh when she describes him.
“Don’t let him fool you. He looks like a normal baby, but he’s as heavy as a ball of lead!”
The Lord reminded me that, just as babies are comforted when we hold them, He welcomes us to seek rest in His loving arms.
The fear and anxiety that COVID-19 has put in the air is almost tangible.
But we have little control. We can stock our homes to the ceiling but no one knows what will happen next.
That’s when faith must kick in. If you have little, now is a great time to build it. Read God’s word, listen to positive music. Turn off the phones, tablets and tvs and quiet your spirit.
There’s freedom in letting go. There’s relief in trusting and depending on the Lord.
And He doesn’t care how much weight we put on Him. In fact, He wants all of it: Our “lead” or our heaviness includes the cares of this world. Our worries, our fears, our doubts, our lack of faith, our sadness…He wants it all.
For He said: Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. I Peter 5:7

“Let me lean on You…my soul is tired and my body needs rest.” Dottie Peoples and the Peoples Choice Chorale

“I’ve learned how to lean and depend on Jesus. He’s my Friend and He’s my guide. I’ve learned how to lean and depend on Jesus. I found out if I trust Him, He will provide.” Lee Williams

Friday, March 20, 2020

He's Still Blessing!

Photo by Alaric Sim on Unsplash
This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

by T. Taylor-Williams

I'm not going to lie: I’ve had some dark moments in this COVID-19 thing.
I've found myself getting anxious and profoundly sad...thinking of the empty shelves at the store, and those who don't have the means to hoard as others are.
The vulnerable remain on my mind.
I'm sorry for the elderly and homebound, for the children who need the special resources that they receive in their schools. For the children who don't have good home lives and school was an escape.
The children. The children. The children...
Yes, the uncertainty of what’s ahead can be unsettling.
Let me be clear: Christians DO have trials. We DO have low moments. We’re human.
Exercise clears my head, so I walked the stadium track. As I rounded a curve, I marveled at the gleaming sun and how the sky was bright blue.
It was warm out, and I could hear squeals of joy. They were coming from those small children who aren't allowed in school as they played with parents on the football field.
I felt gratitude for being able to move my body and get those “natural high” endorphins flowing.
I was all at once amazed at how, in the midst of this awful pandemic full of fear and anxiety, there were still moments of joy and beauty.
I was in awe of how the Lord’s majesty dominated the landscape.
And I wept because He allowed me to experience this.
I felt a release of the tension and stress-induced anxiety. Tears flowed as I thanked my sweet Lord for His goodness, and implored Him to continue to extend grace and mercy upon the land, the Earth.
It's not good for us to live in a constant state of anxiety. I don’t believe that’s His will for us.
"For the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
We must keep an eye out for those bright moments in our day. They are there.
He has not stopped being good.
And He has not stopped being God.

"The Lord is blessing me, right now, oh, right now! He woke me up this morning and He started me on my way. The Lord is blessing me, right now, right now, right now."  -- Bishop Larry Carter and the Sweet Holy Spirit Combined Choir

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Look for the Good

Pere Marquette Beach on Lake Michigan, Muskegon, MI
by Teresa Taylor-Williams

“I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1

Panic. Anxiety. Fear.
Life right now is unpredictable. Much is out of our hands.
But we can control how we respond.
How many of us think to thank the Lord for His goodness in the midst of our trials? Do we ever consider praising Him in our lowest moments?
He didn’t promise that we would live without adversity.
But He did say that He would be with us (Hebrews 13:5), that He would fight our battles for us (Joshua 23:10), and charges us to praise Him in the midst of trials.
How? This can be as simple as showing Him gratitude, saying "Thank You, Lord."
I’m choosing to focus on the good things. The chirping birds that woke me up today.Spending time with my  93-year-old grandmother. Hearing about homebound families sharing educational materials for the children. People preparing and delivering food to college students and the elderly…all of this warms my heart. I'm thankful for things like this, for they are pleasant distractions from our current reality. Thank You, God.
I also choose to delve into His Word to read about how He saved and delivered many from the hand of the enemy.
I dare you to try, just for today, to focus on the good. To be mindful, purposeful, and to thank God for breath, for another day, and for strength to endure the unknown.

“Praise is what I do, when I wanna be close to You…and I vow to praise You, through the good and the bad. I’ll praise You, whether happy or sad, I’ll praise You in all that I go through, because praise is what I do, and I owe it all to you.” Shekiinah Glory feat. William Murphy III